Words Zu Anjalika Kamis Gunnulfsen | Pic Logan Fisher

We live in a world that glorifies being busy.  We are busy tending to things we thought were necessary to our well-being, yet in the end, these things are just taking away the essence of what makes us human.  In this hustle and bustle of our busy lives, it is very easy to forget the lives that are intertwined with us.  The single mom neighbour from three floors down, the auntie who lives alone in the next town, the young niece who is struggling with anxiety in a city four hours’ drive away.  What about that young man who you bumped into at the coffee shop every so often; the one who nods politely every time he sees you?  Every single person we encounter has their own set of challenges.  As humans, we are never free from struggles – a shared human experience that binds us together, regardless of where we come from.

The Weight of Mental Health Battles

Though usually overlooked, mental health issues have become so pervasive in the society.  Depression, anxiety and stress affect millions of people daily.  These struggles start with an invisible weight of anxiety about the future or the crushing pain of past regrets.  For many, the mental burden is so heavy that getting out of bed becomes an act of bravery.

While there are many campaigns globally to highlight and create awareness of mental health issues, the stigma that runs around it makes it hard for people to talk about mental health  The judgement, or simply the inability to be honest or just a problem articulating their pain creates a transparent wall.  More often than not, their struggles are masked with brave fronts while doing their day-to-day tasks.  We have heard of people going to meetings, making dinners for the family; that one person who has sung her heart out at the karaoke, dancing and singing, only to be found lifeless a couple of hours later.  They decided to end it all while battling their inner demons.  The struggles are often solitary, leaving individuals isolated while facing their pain.

Financial Stress : The Silent Anxiety

Living in a world that is ladled with consumerism and ever-increasing living costs, fighting against financial security is the reality for many.  Retirement savings, paying bills, and making the rent, looms large, which results in the many having to take up second or third jobs and constantly calculating and planning their next steps or living pay check to pay check.

That aside, the unexpected possibilities of a medical emergency, an unexpected job loss,  recession or an economic downturn can push one to the brink of desperation because he might not be able to recover for years to come.  Unfortunately, society sees success as being financially stable, which can be the downfall of those hit by these difficult situations.  Those hit will usually face their ordeal in silence while doing everything possible to try and make ends meet.

Relationships and Family Tensions

When we talk about relationships, there are many, who hide behind their own set of struggles.  In some homes, a partner might feel emotionally disconnected or not heard.  A parent may be overwhelmed juggling the responsibility of being a mom or dad while working a full-time demanding job.  A teenager feeling misunderstood by the parents.

The daily myriad of ups and downs, balancing everything on their plate can take a toll on a person’s mental health and emotional well-being.  Couples, in what might seem like a seemingly stable relationship may silently suffer from the feelings of being unseen or unappreciated.  With the current world ageing rapidly, being caregivers of their parents is also rising.  Being a caregiver is not for the faint-hearted.  The emotional and physical strain, while losing out on time to do something for oneself is real.  The pressure to be a perfect spouse, friend, son or daughter, while juggling all the hidden struggles can lead to emotional burnout. 

In a world bombarded with images, footage and portrayals of perfect families can deepen the feeling of inadequacy.  Comparisons have become a norm, unaware that those perfect lives often mask their struggles.

The Burden of Loneliness

It is unfathomable that in the very connected world, we are living in now, how loneliness is at an all-time high.  How is that possible?

Having connections and being invited to endless parties does not equate to being less lonely.  The loneliest people are often those who are surrounded by others. However, what is missing is the essence of a relationship; being able to talk and share deep feelings, thoughts and emotions.  Now, that’s something you don’t share with everyone.  Psychological isolation happens even in crowded places, also amongst seemingly extroverted individuals.

The emotional toll can be devastating; the quiet ache of loneliness that remains unspoken.

The Strain of Expectations

The pressure to live up to external expectations is real.  Whether in school, work or life, many are constantly striving to perform their utmost best. But why?  It is societal, leaving many questioning their worth if that made-up standard isn’t attained.

The constant fear of failure envelopes us from the day we step into a school; for some even before that.  That is exhausting!

Invisible Health Struggles

Have we ever thought of some who are suffering from invisible chronic illness, whether physical or mental, something we cannot see?  One that only the sufferer can feel, most often in the privacy of their own spaces.  Autoimmune disorders, chronic pain, or mental health struggles – receiving dismissal because their illness is not readily visible.

While they may appear healthy, fatigue, pain, or emotional exhaustion might be their constant companion – that affects their day-to-day lives. Maintaining their health while trying to keep up the semblance of a normal life is hard.

The Power of Empathy and Understanding

No matter where we stand in the social hierarchy, each of us is fighting some battle, even if it’s not always visible.

It is important to shift towards greater empathy and compassion.  A kind word, an act of patience, or simply lending an ear can go a long way in easing the burdens that others carry.

By acknowledging and supporting each other, we can create a world where people don’t have to fight their struggles alone.